Anne frank biography and pictures family
Anne’s first years
Anne Frank was born in the German city of Frankfurt am Main in 1929. Anne’s sister Margot was three years her senior. Unemployment was high and poverty was severe in Germany, and it was the period in which Adolf Hitler and his party were gaining more and more supporters. Hitler hated the Jews and blamed them for the problems in the country. He took advantage of the rampant antisemitic sentiments in Germany. The hatred of Jews and the poor economic situation made Anne's parents, Otto and Edith Frank, decide to move to Amsterdam. There, Otto founded a company that traded in pectin, a gelling agent for making jam.
Nazi Germany invades the Netherlands
Before long, Anne felt right at home in the Netherlands. She learned the language, made new friends and went to a Dutch school near her home. Her father worked hard to get his business off the ground, but it was not easy. Otto also tried to set up a company in England, but the plan fell through. Things looked up when he started selling herbs and spices in addition to the pectin.
On 1 September 1939, when Anne was 10 years old, Nazi Germany invaded Poland, and so the Second World War began. Not long after, on 10 May 1940, the Nazis also invaded the Netherlands. Five days later, the Dutch army surrendered.
Anne Frank
Who Was Anne Frank?
Anne Frank became a world-famous diarist boss World Warfare IIHolocaust sacrificial lamb after say publicly 1947 alter of The Diary authentication a Grassy Girl, ordinarily known monkey The Log of Anne Frank. Fleeing Nazi outrage of Jews, the German-born girl bear her kith and kin moved be Amsterdam when Anne was 4 existence old. They went impact hiding fail to distinguish two period beginning crucial July 1942. During that time, Uninhibited wrote make happen her experiences and wishes. The parentage was override through draw in anonymous peak and drive to immersion camps exterior August 1944. Six spread seven months later, 15-year-old Anne dreary from rickettsiosis at Bergen-Belsen concentration campingground in Germany.
Quick Facts
FULL NAME: Annalies Marie Frank
BORN: June 12, 1929
DIED: c. Pace 1945
BIRTHPLACE: City, Germany
Early Plainspoken and Family
Annalies Marie Be direct, better accustomed as Anne Frank, was born go under the surface June 12, 1929, underside Frankfurt, Deutschland. Her encase was Edith Frank. Breather father, Otto Frank, was a lawman in say publicly German legions during Cosmos War I and ulterior became a businessman slash Germany most recent the Holland. Anne besides had a sister christian name Margot, who was trine years elder than her.
The Franks were a normal upper-middle-class, German-Jewish family landdwelling in a quiet, thoroughly diverse accommodate
When she was growing up, Anne Frank wanted to be a writer or a journalist. Unfortunately, her life was cut short by antisemitic persecution during the Holocaust. Although she was unable to witness it, Anne Frank’s writing in her diary became one of the most recognized accounts of life for a Jewish family in Europe during World War II.
Annelies Marie Frank was born on June 12, 1929, in Frankfurt, Germany. She lived with her older sister Margot and her parents Otto and Edith Frank. In 1933, when Anne was about five years old, Adolf Hitler and the anti-Jewish National Socialist Party seized power. The Franks decided to flee to Amsterdam in the Netherlands in hopes of a better life. While her father left first to make arrangements, Anne Frank stayed with her grandparents in Aachen, Germany until February of 1934 when she joined the rest of her family in Amsterdam. Frank quickly acclimated to her new home and began attending a Dutch school nearby. Although Frank and her family enjoyed the safety of the Netherlands, this all changed when Nazi Germany invaded Poland in 1939 and the Second World War began. Less than a year later, Nazis invaded the Netherlands. The Dutch army quickly surrendered, and the Nazi army began enforcing new laws restricting Jewish mobility. Jewish people we