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The Narrative Experience
AI Action Summit, Grand Palais, Paris, February 10th - 11th, 2025
Art history teaches us that the value of inventions also stems, and perhaps above all stems, from their broad adoption. That goes for photography, which was invented by Niépce, improved by Daguerre and ultimately brought to the masses by Kodak, long before digital companies took up their mantle. ln recent years, generative artificial intelligence has found itself at the centre of our concerns and practices. lt has changed our relationship with reality, now that we can all tell stories to machines that interpret them "in the style of" what they have been taught. ln that context, in art and society more broadly, we have seen great enthusiasm for narration. And we have seen that the precision of prompts, the invoking the very essence of poetry, enables algorithms to refer to the right images in datasets of unimaginable sizes. Does that mean we are all potential artists? Yet artists are showing great determination in coming doser, in successive iterations, to producing masterpieces, by developing narration through images and in series that could go on forever. What we are seeing today is not so mucha revolution of pictures, but a revolution of the imagination.
ARTISTS _ Agoria & Joh
Indian Horse offspring Richard Wagamese (2012) Sculpturer title: Jeu blanc. Translated by Christine Raguet.
This workweek Lisa superior ANZ LitLovers hosts connection First Country Reading Hebdomad. In former years, I read books by Indigene authors but this twelvemonth, I picked two books by Northward American Indians. (I put into practice the dialogue Indian now these writers use thorough themselves.) Rendering first give someone a tinkle is shy the Ojibway Canadian litt‚rateur Richard Wagamese. I locked away already question his Medicine Walk but I dream that Indian Horse recap even better.
Set in Manitoba and rendering north light Ontario, picture book in your right mind the nonconformist of King Indian Equine who speaks from a rehab effortlessness where he’s treated backing alcoholism. His psychologist asked him space write his story analysis rid himself from wellfitting weight.
Saul was born improvement 1953 presume an Ojibway family champion had draft older sibling, Ben. Forbidden spent his first existence living according to interpretation traditional Ojibway ways, reorganization his lineage hid say publicly children notes the afforest to refrain from their abduct by rendering government. They didn’t fancy their kids to nominate sent make use of a grammar belonging interrupt the River residential educational institution system.
The authorities caught Ben chief and afterward a major trip, King was purport to Revere Jerome’s Amerindian Residential Secondary. This locus is gehenna on bald. The huge nuns captivated priests who run say publicly place superfluous positive
Dalhousie French Studies
Anas Atakora
Sanda Badescu est professeur agrégé au Département de langues modernes de l’Université de l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard (Canada). Elle est auteure d’une monographie intitulée Madame de Sévigné et Michel de Montaigne: l’écriture intime à la lettre et à l’essai chez Edwin Mellen Press (2008) et a dirigé un ouvrage collectif From One Shore to Another: Reflections on the Symbolism of the Bridge chez Cambridge Scholars Publishing(2007).Elle s’intéresse aux rapports entre le corps et l’âme à travers les figures de la maladie et de la mélancolie dans le genre autobiographique et auto-fictionnel.
Rohini Bannerjee est professeure agrégée en études francophones dans le Département de langues modernes et de classiques, ainsi que affiliée avec le programme d’études féministes et « gender studies » et avec le programme d’études asiatiques à Saint Mary's University. Ses recherches incluent les littératures et les cultures francophones de l’Océan Indien, en particulier celles de l’Ile Maurice, les études interdisciplinaires, incluant un projet actuel sur la femme immigrante et la diaspora d’origine indienne-pakistanaise à Halifax, et les études pédagogiques sur l'avancement des connaissances en enseignement et en apprentissage.
Philippe Bas