Alister hardy biography channel

  • Alister Hardy had been two years away on 'A voyage of natural history to study whales, plankton and the waters of the Southern Ocean in the old Royal Research.
  • Biography.
  • His last book was a definitive biography of Sir Alister Hardy, God's Biologist: A Life of Alister Hardy.
  • A Brief Mystery of Light

    We met the brilliant Alister Hardy in the last installment.

    Hardy began his postwar academic career in zoology, and after graduation worked as a naturalist in a fisheries laboratory. From 1924 to 1928 he was chief zoologist for the Discovery Oceanographic Expedition to the Antarctic. A succession of high-end academic postings followed, finishing with the Linacre Chair of Zoology and Comparative Anatomy at Oxford, where his enthusiastic students included a young Richard Dawkins.

    Hardy was knighted for his services to the British fishing industry in 1957. Only upon retirement in 1961 did the esteemed marine biologist and author feel secure enough to chart deeper waters.

    “All my life I have sampled the sea, building up an ecological picture of a hidden world, which I could not examine at first hand, even with an aqualung. In a way, I am casting my nets into a different kind of ocean,” he told The Observer in 1969.

    When Hardy came to Oxford at the peak of his career in the 1940s, he felt that “he needed to be much more circumspect, since he was well aware that some of his colleagues were extremely dismissive of religious beliefs as wrong-headed or infantile,” observed colleague David Hay in his excellent biography, God’s Biologist: A Life of

  • alister hardy biography channel
  • Text Biography

    Hardy, Alister Clavering (1896–1985)

    English marine biologist who designed the Hardy plankton continuous recorder. His development of methods for ascertaining the numbers and types of minute sea organisms helped to unravel the intricate web of life that exists in the sea.

    Hardy was born in Nottingham on 10 February 1896 and was educated at Oundle School and then at Exeter College, Oxford. He served in World War I as a lieutenant and later as a captain 1915–19. The following year he studied at the Stazione Zoologica in Naples and returned to the UK in 1921 to become assistant naturalist in the fisheries department of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries. In 1924 he joined the Discovery expedition to the Antarctic as chief zoologist and on his return in 1928 he was appointed professor of zoology and oceanography at Hull University, where he founded the department of oceanography. In 1942 he was made professor of natural history at the University of Aberdeen and, two years later, became professor of zoology at Oxford. He held this post for 15 years, 1946–61, when he served as professor of field studies at Oxford. In recognition of his achievements in marine biology, he was knighted in 1957. He returned to Aberdeen in 1963 to take up a lectureship at th

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