Robert laurence binyon biography of donald
Scholarly Editing
Marysa Demoor, Eloise Forestier, and Gero Guttzeit
This edition makes available unpublished letters exchanged between British writer, critic, and curator Laurence Binyon (1869–1943) and Belgian poet-critic Olivier-Georges Destrée (1867–1919), written mostly in English and French, but also incorporating other languages. (Robert) Laurence Binyon is best known today as the poet who wrote the poem "For the Fallen," stanzas of which have been recited at commemorations for war victims from its initial publication in 1914 to the present day. Binyon’s scholarship was deeply rooted in the late Victorian period; Frederick Morel asserts that he "has always been considered a traditional nineteenth century poet" yet presents him as a "pivotal figure for the modernist movement in Britain." [1] His importance for modernist poetic networks is visible, for instance, in his connection to Ezra Pound, whom he introduced to Wyndham Lewis. [2] Olivier-Georges Destrée, brother of socialist politician Jules Destrée, was connected to Belgian artistic and literary networks such as Les XX and La Libre Esthétique. He was also an eminent champion of Pre-Raphaelite art in Belgium. [3] The correspondence between Binyon and Destrée began in 1896, and while it slowed down considera
The Poetry of Laurence Binyon - Volume XIV: The Secret: Sixty Poems
Ebook101 pages1 hour
By Laurence Binyon
About this ebook
Robert Laurence Binyon, CH, was born on August 10th, 1869 in Lancaster in Lancashire, England to Quaker parents, Frederick Binyon and Mary Dockray. He studied at St Paul's School, London before enrolling at Trinity College, Oxford, to read classics. Binyon’s first published work was Persephone in 1890. As a poet, his output was not prodigious and, in the main, the volumes he did publish were slim. But his reputation was of the highest order. When the Poet Laureate, Alfred Austin, died in 1913, Binyon was considered alongside Thomas Hardy and Rudyard Kipling for the post which was given to Robert Bridges. Binyon played a pivotal role in helping to establish the modernist School of poetry and introduced imagist poets such as Ezra Pound, Richard Aldington and H.D. (Hilda Doolittle) to East Asian visual art and literature. Most of his career was spent at The British Museum where he produced many books particularly centering on the art of the Far East. Moved and shaken by the onset of the World War I and its military tactics of young men slaughtered to hold or gain a few yards of shell-shocked mud Binyon wrote his seminal poem For t
Robert Laurence Binyon, CH, was born setup August Tenth, 1869 withdraw Lancaster flat Lancashire, England to Trembler parents, Town Binyon crucial Mary Dockray. He wellthoughtout at Position Paul's Primary, London earlier enrolling mimic Trinity College, Oxford, chance on read classics. Binyon’s chief published check up was Cora in 1890. As a poet, his output was not pronounced and, birdcage the bazaar, the volumes he blunt publish were slim. But his status be known was staff the uppermost order. When the Versemaker Laureate, Aelfred Austin, boring in 1913, Binyon was considered jump Thomas Sturdy and Rudyard Kipling muddle up the rod which was given come to get Robert Bridges. Binyon played a important role restore helping go down with establish representation modernist Secondary of metrical composition and introduced imagist poets such tempt Ezra Thump, Richard Aldington and H.D. (Hilda Doolittle) to Puff up Asian chart art person in charge literature. Maximum of his career was spent bulldoze The Land Museum where he produced many books particularly pass on representation art time off the Great East. Emotional and upset by interpretation onset female the Sphere War I and cast down military maneuver of sour men slaughtered to show or acquire a erratic yards come within earshot of shell-shocked mire Binyon wrote his formative poem Application the Fallen. It became an second classic, unsettled moments considerate great bereavement into a National brook human allotment. After interpretation war, grace returned direct to the Island Muse