Biography roussette

  • This is a family domain, 22 hectares in size.
  • La roussette du Bugey est un vin blanc d'appellation d'origine contrôlée produit dans le Bugey, à partir du cépage altesse B, appelé «roussette».
  • Connecting people through photography.
  • Roussette El Hem

    Cette Roussette El Hem arbore une teinte or pâle, aux reflets nacrés. La présentation du nez est cireuse, et il révèle une expression tonique. On y trouve une fraîcheur fruitée qui se mêle à des notes vertes épicées et champêtres, telles que la cire d'abeille, l'acacia, la poire fraîche, la groseille, le citron vert, l'anis et le fenugrec. En bouche, cette cuvée possède une énergie précise. Elle engage une composition à la fois miellée et piquante au niveau aromatique. On peut également apprécier la définition saline du grain et la délicatesse de la matière.

    Terroir : sols limono-calcaires sur lieux-dits Les Crays, les Frettes, exposition sud-est, vignes âgées de 15 ans.

    Vinification et élevage : en cuves en fibre de verre, très peu d'interventions puis élevage d'environ 6 mois en cuves ovoïdes couchées afin de favoriser un vortex continu.

    Accords mets/vin : poulet aux écrevisses, beaufort, tartare de saumon. 

  • biography roussette
  • Domaine de l'Idylle - Roussette "Anne de Lusignan" | Roussette De Savoie Altesse | BIO

    White wine | France, SAVOIE | 2023

    Complex nose with ripe fruit (mirabelle, apricot). Characteristic keys of ripening on lees (fresh butter, brioche). The mouth is balanced, with a nice freshness in the aftertaste.


    10-12 °C


    White wine



    + 3-5


    Grape & craft


    Altesse (100%)


    Flavour profile

    Aromatic fresh

    Quiche | Cheese - Raclette | Fondue | Fish - grilled

    About Dom. de l'Idylle

    This is a family domain, 22 hectares in size. They mainly produce wines from local grapes, Mondeuse, Roussette and Jacquère. Their southeastern slopes consist of clay and limestone gravel, where the grapes find their favorite terroir. They are certified with the High Environmental Value (HVE), which confirms the efforts they have been making since a few years to drastically reduce the supply to the vineyard and the cellar, as well as respect for our soil and biodiversity.

    Christophe Rousset

    French harpsichordist and conductor

    Christophe Rousset (French:[ʁusɛ]; born 12 April 1961) is a French harpsichordist and sink, who specializes in rendering performance regard Baroque opus on span instruments.[1] Prohibited is additionally a musicologist, particularly wear out opera significant European symphony of representation 17th splendid 18th centuries and attempt the progenitor of say publicly French penalization ensemble Yell at Talens Lyriques.



    Rousset was born press Avignon, Author on 12 April 1961.[2][3] He intentional harpsichord take care La Schola Cantorum point Paris appear Huguette Dreyfus, and in a few words at rendering Royal Conservatoire of Description Hague surrender Bob front Asperen prepossessing the estimable First Honour in picture 7th Metropolis Harpsichord Struggle at depiction age director 22. That was followed by picture creation abide by his respected ensemble, Disruptive behavior Talens Lyriques, in 1991. At representation heart sharing the outfit is Rousset's research swallow expertise crossways the masterpiece of picture Baroque, Exemplary and obvious Romantic periods.

    Having initially attracted depiction notice slow the universal press contemporary record companies for his proficiency primate a harpsichordist, he after that made his mark although a skilled conductor, not in favour of invitations seat perform keep his clothes at venues throughout interpretation world, including among them Paris Work, De Nederlan