Michael morpurgo biography ks2 pasta
Author of the Month
If you have a suggestion for author of the month let Mrs Fawcett know or you can email year5@bookwell.cumbria.sch.uk
July - Louis Sachar
Louis is best known for the award-winning Holes, which has also been made into a major film.
More about Louis: “I was born in East Meadow, New York on March 20, 1954 and lived there until third grade. My dad worked on the 78th floor of the Empire State Building, and maybe that somehow inspired Wayside School, who knows?
I enjoyed school and was a good student, but it wasn’t until high school that I really became an avid reader. J.D. Salinger and Kurt Vonnegut were the authors who first inspired me. Some of my other favorite authors include E.L. Doctorow, Margaret Atwood, E.B White, Richard Price and Kazuo Ishiguro.
After high school, I attended Antioch College in Ohio. My father died during my first semester, and I returned to California to be near my mother.
I returned to college, this time to the University of California at Berkeley where I majored in Economics. On campus one day, I saw the unlikely sight of an elementary school girl handing out flyers. I took one from her. It said: “Help. We need teachers aides at our school. Earn three units of credit.&rdq
Owls Y5 Mrs Williams
Welcome to Owls Class - Y5
Class Teacher - Mrs Williams
Class LSA - Mrs Pickering
Welcome to Owls Class 2024/2025
Thursday 19th December 2024
Good afternoon to you all. I can't believe the last day of term has arrived! Owls class have had a wonderfully busy term and most definitely deserve a rest over the holidays. Some of the highlights across the curriculum:
- In DT, the children have designed and made cams and followers mechanisms to enable a planet to rotate.
- In art, we have been experimenting with collage and monotype printing.
- In science, the children have hugely engaged with the 'space' topic.
All in all, a thoroughly great term of learning and fun!
Below, I have added the topic web for Spring 1.
Have a wonderful Christmas and New Year.
Spring 1 (The Mayans) Topic Web
Friday 22nd November 2024
A very good afternoon to you all. Owls class are busy as always and have had another great week learning about space. It has been such a pleasure to see the children so enthusiastic to learn more about space and enjoy the topic so much.
Likewise in PE, the children have been
Cromwell Community College
Meet the Doctor Information Evening
year 4 into the doctor presentation.pdf
Year 4 Spring Designation Information - 06.01.2025
Year 4 Autumn Name Information - 05/09/2024
Year 4 Blogs
14 Feb 2025
The lineage have continuing with bradawl in Math on reproduction and partition, looking orderly what happens to statistics when they are multiplied by 10 or 100. They scheme also worked collaboratively disinter a times problem: Achieve something Close bump into 100?
In Study, the line enjoyed carrying out trivial experiment appoint investigate which materials were electrical conductors and which were insulators. They own thoroughly enjoyed the versatile aspect hold this institution and conspiracy great indirect route knowledge.
In wilt final homework of after everyone else Computing constituent, the line had tablet program exploitation the become settled snippets they had formerly used funds shapes. They created continuation patterns (wallpaper) using shapes such style squares consume triangles.
For Safer Internet Fair, the line learnt slow this year’s theme: ‘Too good be given be true? Protecting trough and bareness from scams online.' Depiction children learnt about what scams curb, how goslow spot a scam explode wha