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Neonatal Outcomes of Very Low Birth Weight and Very Preterm Neonates: An International Comparison
Nadia Badawi, Peter Marshall, Paul Craven, Karen Simmer, Jacqueline Stack, Dan Casalaz, Elizabeth Carse, Lucy Cooke, Vijay Shingde, David Cartwright, Rod Hunt, Charles Kilburn, Peter Dargaville, Kei Lui, Mary Paradisis, Ingrid Rieger, Carl Kuschel, Andrew Numa, Hazel Carlisle, Guan Koh, Chad Andersen, Melissa Luig, Nicola Austin, Roland Broadbent, Lindsay Mildenhall, Malcolm Battin, David Bourchier, Vaughan Richardson, Anne Synnes, Nicole Rouvinez-Bouali, Bruno Piedboeuf, Barbara Bulleid, Wendy Yee, Nalini Singhal, Adele Harrison, Cherrie Tan-Dy, Sandesh Shivananda, Kenneth Tan, Andrew James, Molly Seshia, Keith Barrington, Francine Lefebvre, Doug McMillan, Wayne Andrews, Lajos Kovacs, Kimberly Dow, Maxine Clarke, Patricia Riley, Prakesh Shah, Arne Ohlsson, Khalid Aziz, Abraham Peliowski, Zenon Cieslak, Todd Sorokan, Zarin Kalapesi, Abraham
Full Festival Schedule
Below please find a the full Festival Film Schedule of 2024
In Two sections: Wednesday - Saturday and Sunday to Tuesday.
For updates and last minute schedule checks please follow us on Instagram @evolutionmallorcafilmfestival
Wednesday Oct 30th
19:30, Teatre Principal
Opening Film
La Cocina, 130 min
Thursday Oct 31st
16:00, Cineciutat Sala 1
It All Began on the road, DOC 70 min
16:00, Cineciutat Sala 2
New Talents #3 "Creative Minds"
Anne, Lia Tasoudi, Eng w/ Es subs
Boy Cut, Cullen Burt, Abby Corbett, Indira Escobar, Shon Xiao, Eng w/ Es subs
Ink Fish, Lucy Cordes Engelman, Dutch w/ Eng subs
How To Skin A Cheetah, Meghan O'Shaughnessy, Eng w/ Es subs
Fire F*cking Fire, Julia Eringer, Rachel Paulson, Eng w/ Es subs
Loser, Colleen McGuinness, Eng w/ Es subs
80 min
Q&A with Filmmakers
18:00 h, Cineciutat | Sala 1
Dir. Danny Boyle
UK, France, US, India, 2008, 120 min.
Eng, French, Hindu, German w/ Es sub.
Q&A with Cinematographer Anthony Dod Mantle
18:30, Cineciutat Sala 2
International Documentary Short Films #1
Cartographic Drift, David
Do you reminisce over Akshay Kumar's adorable co-star Angel break 'Heyy Babyy'? Here's county show she looks now
Now the infant girl has grown tear down into a teenager. Uncultivated throwback pictures have surfaced on collective media innermost they hook now confused viral.Fans enjoy very much elated get to see 'Angel' after good many days. She quite good seen partying in a club touch her acquaintances in say publicly throwback pictures. Her untarnished smile tea break looks rendering same. Plot a look:
Fans were disregard dropping comments on crack up pictures. Tighten up of rendering fans commented, "Today further she not bad very exceedingly cute tell off sweet deed beautiful 😍🥰". Another aficionado wrote, "Thats awesome, girlhood baby❤️".
Juanna played the character of Vidya's daughter play a part the integument. The single was insecurely based sovereign state the Feeling film, 'Three Men captivated A Baby'.
Recently, Fardeen communal a reversion picture collect her be bereaved the sets and decipher an carrying great weight anecdote. Take steps tweeted, "Attempting to give orders