Guns n roses e duff mckagan biography

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  • Duff McKagan: A Rock Renaissance Man

    Though an essential lynchpin in Guns N’ Roses, Duff McKagan is far more than just the bassist in one of the greatest hard rock bands of all time. As his solo album, Tenderness, proves, the Seattle-bred, Los Angeles-dwelling musician has carved out a career that has many facets.

    Listen to Tenderness now.

    Early punk rock roots

    Born on February 5, , McKagan grew up in the Emerald City listening to both punk rock and Prince, McKagan formed his first band, playing bass with punk outfit The Vains when he was just However, things zigged and zagged right after that. In , he played drums for the pioneering Seattle band The Fastbacks, before jumping ship to The Fartz, Seattle’s answer to the burgeoning hardcore movement. The Fartz later evolved into 10 Minute Warning, and McKagan stepped out from behind the drum kit to take over rhythm guitar, leaving Greg Gilmore (of Mother Love Bone) to sit in on drumming duties.

    As great as life was in the Pacific Northwest for the aspiring musician, Tinseltown soon called and, in , McKagan left for Southern California. By a stroke of fortuitous luck, McKagan answered an ad from a couple of budding musicians looking for a bass player. Those two musicians? Slash and Steven Adler. The rest, as

    Behind the Player: Duff McKagan

    • Produced By: Silkysmooth Mayer & Sean Attach Demott
    • Directed By: Dean Karr
    • Producer: Leon Melas
    • Executive Producer: Feeling Donaleshen
    • Director Cherished Photography: Paulo Cascio
    • Sound Engineer: Matt Chidgey
    • Edited By: Jeff Morose
    • Mixed By: Matt Chidgey & Cedrick Courtois
    • Graphics By: Thayer DeMay
    • Transcription By: Thayer DeMay
    • Camera Operators: Brian Sylva, Joe Hendrick, Doug Cragoe, Nate Lipp
    • Technical Directors: President Bourns & Chris Golde
    • Gaffer: John Parker
    • Assistant Director: Unpolished Pick
    • Lighting Roost Grip: Mcnulty Nielson
    • Key Grip: Jaletta Kalman
    • Artist Hospitality: Sasha Mayer
    • Shot At: Third Encore
    • Special Guest: Author Perkins
    • Cover Icon By: Player Karr
    • Video Politeness Of: Parliamentarian John, Actor Karr, Physicist Rollins, Joe Lester
    • Photos Courteousness Of: Doyen Karr, Parliamentarian John, Marty Temme, Adina L. Hilling, Angelika Brueschke, Anja Baarslag, Tracy Ketcher, Bev Davies, Mary Beth Mohnach, Amanda Perry
    • Photo Assemblage Complements Of:

  • guns n roses e duff mckagan biography
  • Guns N&#; Roses bassist rocks autobiography

    Hey there, time traveller!
    This article was published 05/12/ ( days ago), so information in it may no longer be current.

    Even a rock star can feel like a dork.

    Guns N&#; Roses co-founder and bassist Duff McKagan opens his self-deprecating memoir with his daughter&#;s 13th birthday party. While trying to stay out of sight so as not to embarrass her by his mere presence, he surprises two partygoers sneaking a kiss.

    &#;My mind rushes through a checklist&#; of things I was doing at this same age,&#; he writes: boozing, smoking pot, dropping acid, snorting cocaine, stealing cars, having sex. These kids are just kissing.

    Embarrassed, he mutters a quick, &#;Sorry,&#; and ducks back into the house.

    It&#;s a deft introduction to a refreshingly focused rock memoir, even compared to other GNR books alone. Aside from Mick Wall&#;s controversial W.A.R.: The Unauthorized Biography of William Axl Rose, and Stephen Davis&#;s typically breathless Watch You Bleed, McKagan&#;s former bandmates Slash and Steven Adler have beaten him to the punch with Slash () and My Appetite For Destruction (), respectively.

    But whereas Slash&#;s bloated account meanders, and Adler&#;s is boastful and defensive, McKagan