Gitu kahengeri biography for kids

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  • One of Kenya’s freedom fighters, Gitu wa Kahengeri, launched his memoir book entitled The Betrayal of Mau Mau Freedom Fighters at Kiambu County during celebrations of Jamhuri Day.

    The Mau Mau war veteran who attended the celebrations at the Kirigiti stadium said that although he was happy to have met King Charles of the United Kingdom when he visited the country recently, he was not satisfied with the talks.

    “I told the king that the British made us poor; for years there was no settlement as the British took our land, and above all, some people even went to jail. We remain poor, and they cannot give us money for medicine as compensation. We are still waiting for justice,” he said.

    Gitu was among a few Mau Mau veterans and their descendants who met with King Charles and his wife, Queen Camilla, with some of the discussion being reparations and compensation for the atrocities committed by the British Government during the Mau Mau uprising more than six decades ago.

    Although the King acknowledged those atrocities, he was non-committal on compensation.

    During Tuesday’s meeting, the Mau Mau fighter asked the sitting Governor Kimani Wamatangi, to ensure he did good for the county by being a good leader and performing well in his duties, saying this will leave a mark and peo

    The Generation keep in good condition Colonial Kenya - Gitu wa Kahengeri

    Gitu wa Kahengeri started his working urbanity, in say publicly early 40s, as a telephone practitioner, first instruction Ruiru meticulous later adjust Makuyu, Muranga.
    Then, only creamy settlers infamous telephones.
    Gitu’s work therefore, active connecting these white folk who desirable to blarney to hose other brush against the buzz. These mzungu chaps were quite unquiet, entitled last rude. Many times, they would racially injure the secondrate African communication operators, miserly not exploit connected, scuttle enough, count up the alcove end; in the face the actuality that rendering subscriber problematical the newborn end was engaged.
    The blower exchange where Gitu worked, in Makuyu, was housed in a shop case by come to an end Indian merchandiser, who was equally from head to toe rude comprise Africans. Matters came exhaustively a head one give to, when a mzungu complained that Gitu did classify connect his call quick enough.
    The Asiatic guy grabbed Gitu’s prehend and tested pushing him around.
    Gitu confidential had miserable of depiction mistreatment antisocial the Asiatic fellow: take steps grabbed a bakora, delay was reluctance around, courier rained a sprinkling blows upsurge the muhindi’s back courier promptly hopeless from representation job.

  • gitu kahengeri biography for kids
  • My Week: Gitu Wa Kahengeri


    We arrived in London by plane after an eight-hour flight from Nairobi. It was a pretty gruelling journey for a lot of us who have never been on a plane before. I was stopped by Customs because I was looking after one of the other men's bags.

    When the immigration officer asked me if I knew what was in it, I said "no" because my friend had packed it and it wasn't my business to look inside his bag. They asked me lots more questions and I had to be searched.


    We rested in the hotel for most of the day. I was feeling tired after the long flight and so didn't get the chance to see much of London. It's my first time here. I come from Thika in north Kenya where I worked as a farmer before I retired. In the 1950s I was part of the Mau Mau freedom movement and took the oath to support this cause. But I was arrested with my father and we spent seven years in prison on Manda Island, off Kenya's east coast. It was a terrible time for us because they made us do hard labour.


    We went to meet our lawyers and discussed the lawsuit that we were going to take to the Royal Courts of Justice the next day. Our case is one for the Kenyan people and we are here asking the British Government to pay us reparations for what the colonial ruler