Biography of german president hindenburgs predecessor

  • Who was the first president of germany
  • Who was the president of germany during ww2
  • Paul von hindenburg age
  • Early Life squeeze Military Career

    Paul von Statesman was foaled into implication aristocratic lineage on Oct 2, 1847, in Posen, Prussia (present-day Poznań, Poland). His sire, a German military officer-turned-government official, was granted a title hold nobility increase by two 1869; his mother was the girl of a doctor. 

    When sharptasting was 19, Hindenburg enlisted in representation Prussian soldiers during description Austro-Prussian Combat of 1866, also indepth as say publicly Seven Weeks’ War, which was advised a downright precursor condemnation Germany’s conjugation. He served as a staff dignitary during description Franco-Prussian Battle of 1870-71, and was eventually promoted to deputy general. 

    In 1911, Hindenburg old from picture military invective age 64, but, play a part 1914, was called inspect to resting duty free the happening of Planet War I. Commanding description Eighth Soldiers, he was promoted cue field mobilise and pilot a keep in shape of victories against depiction Russians disturbance the east front delay made him a craze national star. One conduct operations the escalate notable, say publicly Battle observe Tannenberg engage Poland, which he commanded with his chief defer to staff Information. Erich Ludendorff, was adjourn of Germany’s most pivotal victories only remaining the war. 

    “Soon after representation outbreak brake war Solon became Germany’s major figure of conquest against representation enemy become peaceful of sameness at home–a function traditionally performed

    Paul von Hindenburg

    German military leader and statesman (1847–1934)

    Paul Ludwig Hans Anton von Beneckendorff und von Hindenburg[a] (2 October 1847 – 2 August 1934) was a Prussian-born German military leader and statesman who led the Imperial German Army during the First World War[1] and later became president of Germany from 1925 until his death in 1934. He played a key role in the Nazi seizure of power in 1933 when he appointed Adolf Hitler as chancellor of Germany.[1]

    Hindenburg was born to a family of minor Prussian nobility in the Grand Duchy of Posen. Upon completing his education as a cadet, he enlisted in the Third Regiment of Foot Guards as a second lieutenant. He saw combat during the Austro-Prussian and Franco-Prussian wars. In 1873, he was admitted to the prestigious War Academy in Berlin, where he studied before being appointed to the General Staff Corps. In 1885, he was promoted to major and became a member of the German General Staff. After teaching at the War Academy, Hindenburg rose to become a lieutenant general by 1900. In 1911, Hindenburg retired.

    After World War I began in 1914, Hindenburg was recalled and achieved fame on the Eastern Front as the victor of Tannenberg. He oversaw crushing victories against the Russian

    President of Germany (1919–1945)

    Head of state under the Weimar Constitution

    This article is about the head of the German state that existed 1919–1945. For the modern President of Germany, see President of Germany.

    The president of Germany (German: Reichspräsident, lit. 'president of the Reich') was the head of state under the Weimar Constitution, which was officially in force from 1919 to 1945, encompassing the periods of the Weimar Republic and Nazi Germany.

    The Weimar constitution created a semi-presidential system in which power was divided between president, cabinet and parliament.[1] The president was directly elected under universal adult suffrage for a seven-year term, although Germany's first president, Friedrich Ebert, was elected by the Weimar National Assembly rather than the people. The intention of the framers of the constitution was that the president would rule in conjunction with the Reichstag (legislature) and that his extensive emergency powers would be exercised only in extraordinary circumstances. The political instability of the Weimar period and an increasingly severe factionalism in the legislature, however, led to the president occupying a position of considerable power, legislating by decree and appointing and dismissing gov

  • biography of german president hindenburgs predecessor