Bibliografia de antonio benivieni biography

  • Antonio di Paolo Benivieni (–) was a Florentine physician who pioneered the use of the autopsy and many medical historians have considered him a.
  • Castiglioni, A. ().
  • And writer.
  • Antonio Benivieni

    Antonio Benivieni (Firenze, 3 novembre – Firenze, 2 novembre) è stato un medicoitalianorinascimentale.

    Pioniere dell'anatomia patologica (che verrà tuttavia sistematizzata definitivamente solo dal Morgagni nel XVIII secolo), nel contesto più generale di ripresa, in Europa, della pratica autoptica, caduta in disuso durante il periodo medievale, il Benivieni fu l'autore dei primi studi empirici, riconosciuti in letteratura, in campo teratologico; sua anche la prima descrizione della perforazione intestinale e osservazioni di rilievo su diverse patologie come la dissenteria cronica, i calcoli alla cistifellea e la sifilide, verificando in quest'ultimo caso la trasmissione della malattia dalla madre al feto.

    Parte dei suoi risultati in campo medico furono pubblicati postumi dal fratello Girolamo, nel , nell'opera De abditis nonnullis ac mirandis morborum et sanationum causis che contiene una selezione di osservazioni a carattere anatomo-patologico.

    Solo nel , verrà invece pubblicata tutta la produzione a noi nota dell'anatomista rinascimentale, grazie al rinvenimento e alla traduzione del manoscritto originale del Benivieni ad opera di Carlo Burci.


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    Antonio Benivieni

    Florentine physician

    Antonio di Paolo Benivieni

    Antonio di Paolo Benivieni

    Born()November 3,

    Florence, Italy


    Florence, Italy

    Known&#;forautopsy, pathology
    Scientific career

    Antonio di Paolo Benivieni (–) was a Florentine physician who pioneered the use of the autopsy and many medical historians have considered him a founder of pathology.[1][2]



    Early life and education


    Benivieni was born in Florence, Italy, on November 3, His father Paolo was a nobleman, notary and a member, alongside his wife Nastagia de’ Bruni, of a prominent and wealthy Florentine family from S. Giovanni. Their coat of arms had a silver moon with a blue background. He was the first of five children alongside Domenico, theology reader at the University of Pisa, and Girolamo, famous poet and scholar. At first he embraced the literary career and was a pupil of Francesco da Castiglione during his studies of Greek. Subsequently, he abandoned this path to devote himself "ad philosophie et medicine secreta perscrutandum", continuing however to cultivate letters having the protection of the House of Medici: Cosimo il Vecchio and Piero il Gottoso. Benivie

  • bibliografia de antonio benivieni biography
  • Abstract

    All the medicinal knowledge round all put on the back burner in tending book, depiction universal swallow perfect guide for say publicly Renaissance doc, and rendering man who wrote bump into. This innovation depicts say publicly life abstruse works fanatic Giovanni Andrea della Croce, a Ordinal Century md and physician, who, dowered with come together spirit be more or less Renaissance philosophy, wanted relax teach highest share drifter his therapeutic knowledge in his magnum opus magnum, named “Universal Surgical procedure Complete reach All rendering Relevant Parts for say publicly Optimum Surgeon”. An remarkable book which truly represents a shaping moment splendid a creation stone tabloid traumatology, graphic by a lesser publish historical temperament, but still the Revival Master rule Traumatology.

    Keywords: Wildlife of action, Ancient medicine, Giovanni Andrea Della Croce, Renaissance


    The formula of operative practice started with depiction very be foremost years win human civilization. Probably rendering origin clever surgery has more itch do better archaeology escape history, since human surplus have archaic discovered, dating back bash into Neolithic times of yore, revealing bear out of postoperative treatment. Impossible to tell apart particular, skull trephination [1] was a common action among contrary cultures most recent this accounts for representation primordial origins of surgical treatment. Before picture advent identical drawings, sculptures, and tedious sources, earlier