Yoni netanyahu biography of albert

  • About the Book .
  • A young adult biography that focuses on Einstein as a great Jewish thinker and champion of Israel.
  • The Israeli plan led by Yoni Netanyahu on July 4, 1976, to rescue 105 hijacked Jewish passengers held captive in Uganda's Entebbe Airport.
  • When he was asked by a student in 2018, what is the most important subject to study for a political career, Benjamin Netanyahu replied that there were three answers: ‘History, history and more history’.

    In writing his own history during the Bennett-Lapid interregnum, dictated when he was out of office, Netanyahu does not appear to have taken his own advice. Netanyahu’s autobiography is more Hollywood than history. The book is ‘Bibi-lite’, stripped of ideology and inconvenient facts — and made palatable for a diaspora audience. It is a stream of consciousness rather than a factual, informed life story.

    The book opens heroically with Netanyahu’s time in the Sayeret Matkal — Israel’s remarkable commando force that has defended Israelis and Jews against lethal forces. He is rightly proud of his service and his participation in the storming of the Sabena flight at Lod airport in 1972.

    From this background flows the attack on Entebbe airport and the killing of the commander of Operation Thunderbolt whose force rescued Jewish hostages, passengers on a hijacked Air France Airbus 300. The commander was, of course, Yonatan Netanyahu — Netanyahu’s older brother whom he idolised in all respects. Netanyahu writes: ‘He was our North Star, g

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    Yoni's Last Battle: The Rescue at Entebbe, 1976 | Jewish Book Council

    Yoni’s Last Bat­tle is a grip­ping account of the famous oper­a­tion in Entebbe, Ugan­da in July 4, 1976. While Amer­i­ca cel­e­brat­ed it’s 200th anniver­sary of inde­pen­dence, thir­ty of Israel’s elite com­man­dos flew 2,000 miles to Entebbe, Ugan­da, under the cov­er of dark­ness, in a des­per­ate attempt to res­cue 105 Jew­ish and Israeli pas­sen­gers hijacked by ter­ror­ists on an Air France flight. Lt. Col. Yonatan Netanyahu, a coura­geous and cel­e­brat­ed sol­dier, led the dar­ing oper­a­tion. Vir­tu­al­ly the entire group of hostages was lib­er­at­ed and returned safe­ly to Israel, but Yoni was killed in the oper­a­tion that was described by the New York Times as hav­ing ​“no prece­dent in mil­i­tary his­to­ry.” Dr. Iddo Netanyahu, Yoni’s youngest broth­er, and also broth­er to for­mer Israeli Prime Min­is­ter Binyamin (Bibi) Netanyahu recon­structs events to por­tray a minute-to-minute chron­i­cle of one of the ear­li­est and most spec­tac­u­lar vic­to­ries in the mod­ern war against ter­ror­ism. Based on inter­views with almost every mem­ber of the oper­a­tion, this is a fas­ci­nat­ing, first-hand account of the intense 48-hour peri­od of plan­ning, prepa­ra­tion an

  • yoni netanyahu biography of albert