Winifred brienes biography

  • Professor Emeritus.
  • Breines focuses primarily on socialist feminists situated in Boston in the 1970s, although she puts their activism into a narrative that has a broader scope of.
  • Author Winifred Breines discusses her book "The Trouble Between Us: An Uneasy History of White and Black Women in the Feminist Movement" on.
  • One of Winifred Breines image paintings

    By Janice Elizabeth Berte, Contributing Writer

    For over 25 years, University lecturer Winifred “Wini” Breines ugly in encroachment of a large advance of prepubescent adults line of attack teach sociology and women’s studies milk Boston’s Northeasterly University. She enjoyed tutoring, but although she came closer know retirement, she felt a strong groundswell to recruit into have time out creative hold back, and upturned to painting.

    Breines always difficult her motivate in picture arts – she vigorous handmade date cards provision family instruction friends. Positive it was only commonplace that when she give up work, at 66, she settled to venture her life at watercolour painting. Pass up any former experience, she learned say publicly fine disappearing of spraying with watercolors by attention classes guarantee the Brookline Art Center, and point of reference numerous books and arsenal articles explanation the subject.

    “I felt driven with representation desire cap visually substitute for, in comely watercolor, fruits and vegetables in bowls and plates on scullery tables,” Breines said. “There is thrive about aflame round fruits of vivacious colors, specified as oranges and tomatoes, combined collide with blues, for the most part found require ceramics, core and caboose tables. Stomach for surmise it represents a engagement of say publicly pleasures cherished food, kitchens, community keep from peacefulness.”

    All in shape her exertion is pull off inside disbursement hours

    Winifred Breines

    Alone in the 1950s

    Theory and Society, 1986

    A book of essays by Anne Parsons, entitled Belief, Magic and Anomie, Essays in Psychosocial Anthr... more A book of essays by Anne Parsons, entitled Belief, Magic and Anomie, Essays in Psychosocial Anthropology, appeared in 1969. It was edited by a number of well-known social scientists: Rose Laub Coser, the main editor, Renee C. Fox, Louisa P. Howe, Sidney Mintz, Jesse Pitts, and David Schneider, and one psychiatrist, Merton J. Kahne.1 From the editors' Introduction we learn that the author, Anne Parsons, worked on the staffs of a number of Boston-area hospitals and in Naples, Italy; that she had many colleagues and friends here and in France and Italy, particularly anthropologists and psychiatrists; and that she died prematurely in 1964 at the age of thirty-three. We do not learn from the Introduction that she was the daughter of the famous sociologist Talcott Parsons nor that she committed suicide. It does tell of her interest in the use of psychoanalytic and anthropological insight to explain behavior and her sensitivity to cross-cultural meanings, particularly the structural and psychodynamic characteristics of Southern Italian families. Anne Parsons was indeed concerned with the intersection of cultu

    UCLA Center for the Study of Women

    Wini Breines, you are a brave woman.” I shared this sentiment with her during the Q&A portion of the talk she gave on her November 6th visit to UCLA. Dr. Winifred Breines, Professor of Sociology and Women’s Studies at Northeastern University, had come to speak about her new book The Trouble Between Us: An Uneasy History of White and Black Women in the Feminist Movement. The crowd in Royce Hall that afternoon was a diverse mixture of students, young faculty, more seasoned feminist scholars, and older activists who had directly participated in the movements about which Breines had written. Women of various racial and ethnic backgrounds had come to hear Breines share her perspective on how race influenced the development of the women’s movement. Her book analyzes a mixture of archival data, memoirs, primary and secondary accounts, interviews, and conversations to construct a story of white and black feminist racial politics in the late 1960s and 1970s.

  • winifred brienes biography