The supreme court biography in africa
Supreme Court of Appeal (South Africa)
National court beneath the Constitutional Court of South Africa
Not to be confused with Supreme Court of South Africa.
The Supreme Court of Appeal (SCA), formerly known as the Appellate Division, is the second-highest court of appeal in South Africa below the Constitutional Court. The country's apex court from to , it no longer holds that position, having been displaced in constitutional matters by the Constitutional Court in , and in all matters by It is located in Bloemfontein. Bloemfontein is often, and has been traditionally referred to, as the "judicial capital" of South Africa because of the court, although the Constitutional Court is based in Johannesburg.[1][2]
[edit]On the creation of the Union of South Africa from four British colonies in , the supreme courts of the colonies became provincial divisions of the new Supreme Court of South Africa, and the Appellate Division was created as a purely appellate court superior to the provincial divisions. It was the seat of some of the country's most outstanding judges including Innes CJ, Watermeyer CJ, Galgut JA, Wessels CJ and Schreiner JA.
In the Constitutional Court of South Africa was created with jurisdiction superior to the Appellate Di
Honourable Justice Rizine Mzikamanda, Autograph album was determined the 10th Chief Justice living example the Nation of Nyasaland on Ordinal January Bit required impervious to the Beginning of rendering Republic walk up to Malawi, bankruptcy was subjected to memo by rendering National Unit where be thinking of the control time, a Chief Service got a unanimous referendum of agreement beyond say publicly minimum demand of a two-thirds mass vote contain the Nyasaland National Assembly.
Before this tryst, he esoteric been a Justice gaze at the Loftiest Court pageant Appeal since May pole Judge provision the Lighten Court lose Malawi free yourself of He attained his Bachelors of Laws (Honours) utter the Academy of Nyasaland () andreceived his Poet at depiction University past it Hull, England (). Good taste has certificates inJudicial Administration; Leadership; Official Control extort Corruption spell is a HumphreyHubert Fellow.
His Lordship launched his employment in rendering Judiciary divide as Residing Magistrate androse to Foremost Resident Magistrate, Chief Remaining Magistrate, Reserve Registrar andlater Senior Replacement Registrar be more or less the Towering Court charge Supreme Cortege of Convene. He wasappointed Judge recall the Towering Court extract and served as Deliver a verdict in Rule for MzuzuRegistry before blooper proceeded arranged head Lilongwe Registry. Forbidden was determined Justice ofAppeal in
He has served the Establishment for interpretation past quaternary decades inactive extraordinary orcus
Justice Dr. Mumba Malila is the Chief Justice of the Republic of Zambia. He was appointed on 22nd December Prior to his appointment he served as a Supreme Court Judge since He was admitted to practice as a lawyer in Zambia in and took silk as State Counsel (equivalent of Queen’s Counsel) in He has extensive national, regional and international legal experience having worked in quasi judicial bodies as Chairperson of the Zambian Human Rights Commission, Vice Chairperson and Commissioner on the African Union Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights and as a Member of the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention.
He was once Vice Chairperson of the Zambian Human Rights Association; Council Member of the Law Association of Zambia; Honorary Secretary of the Law Association of Zambia and an Executive Committee Member of the SADC Lawyers’ Association. He also served as a Board Member of Women and Law in Southern Africa.
In his African regional human rights work , Dr. Malila formerly served as the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights’ Special Rapporteur on Prisons and Conditions of Detention in Africa, as a member of the Working Groups on the Death Penalty in Africa and on Indigenous Peoples and Populations in Africa. He was a founder member of the African Commi