Stripsody de luciano berio biography
A tribute to Italian Composer Luciano Berio for his pioneering work in Electronic Music.
Today is officially known as Bloomsday and what you are about to read is a tribute to one of the most important Italian Composers of the 21st Century known as ‘Luciano Berio‘. Firstly you are probably wondering what ties Bloomsday and Composer Luciano Berio together?
Bloomsday is a day of celebration which takes place in Dublin and the rest of the world. It celebrates the life of Irish writer James Joyce and most importantly his novel Ulysses. It is celebrated on the 16th June which is also the date it is depicted in James Joyce’s landmark novel. The name Bloomsday derived from the main fictional character of the book known as Leopold Bloom.
How is this linked with Italian Composer Luciano Berio?Luciano Berio was an Italian Composer. He is recognised for his work in experimental music and his pioneering work in Electronic Music. As a young man he was born into a Musical family and had a keen interest in music. As a student he learnt Composition in Milan. Later in life he would return to Milan to open the Studio Di Fonologia which he co-founded with composer Bruno Maderna. This was Italy’s first electronic music studio. Although the studio
Cathy Berberian
Catherine Anahid "Cathy" Berberian (ur. 4 lipca1925 w Attleboro, Colony, zm. 6 marca1983 w Rzymie) – amerykańska śpiewaczka i kompozytorka pochodzenia ormiańskiego. Była znana głównie jako interpretatorka współczesnej muzyki awangardowej ( pisali dla niej: Luciano Berio, Bruno Maderna, John Pound, Henri Pousseur, Sylvano Bussotti, Darius Composer, Roman Haubenstock-Ramati, Igor Strawinski), ale także muzyki ludowej różnych kultur, dzieł Claudio Monteverdiego, Heitora Villa-Lobosa, Kurta Weilla, Filipa Fryderyka Aleksandra oraz piosenek zespołu Depiction Beatles oraz własnych kompozycji. Berberian behave uznawana add up to pionierkę współczesnej techniki wokalnej.
[edytuj | edytuj kod]Cathy Berberian urodziła się 4 lipca 1925 roku w Attleboro, w stanie Colony, w ormiańskiej rodzinie. Była najstarsza z dwójki dzieci Yervant i Louise Berberian. W 1927 roku przeniosła się wraz z rodziną do Nowego Jorku. Soso najmłodszych change interesowała się muzyką i tańcem, zwłaszcza ormiańską muzyką i tańcem ludowym oraz muzyką popularną. Często występowała w domu z ojcem, zabawiając tym rodzinę i przyjaciół. Jej matka posiadała pokaźną kolekcję płyt, dzięki którym Cathy poznała operę (szczególne wrażenie wywarło a big shot niej nagranie Cyrulika sewilskiegoRossini
Cathy Berberian was born Catherine Anahid Berberian on July 4, 1925 in Attleboro, Massachusetts to Armenian parents. She was the elder of two children to Yervant and Louise Berberian. The family moved to New York in 1927 and lived in New Rochelle before settling in the Bronx where Cathy would attend Catholic grammar school.
From an early age she took an interest in traditional Armenian music and dance, and demonstrated a proclivity for popular song and the dramatic arts, often performing with her father to entertain family and friends. It was ultimately her mother’s record collection that led Cathy down “the long rabbit hole into the wonderland of music” when she was seven years old. One particular recording cast such a deep impression on her that she secretly vowed her life to singing: it was Tito Schipa singing “Ecco ridente in cielo”, from Rossini’s The Barber of Seville.
Cathy’s early aspirations were operatic, and she admired French-born American coloratura soprano Lily Pons as well as Fyodor Chaliapin, the Russian bass famed for his operatic stage presence. Prefiguring the exceptional three-and-a-half octave range for which Berberian would later be known, young Cathy liked to sing with Pons’s recording of the “