Sri aurobindo ghosh biography samples
Biography of sri aurobindo
Sri Aurobindo – Biography
Sri Aurobindo was a revolutionary, lyrist, philosopher, author, and Clerical Master. In spite of his enthralling life type was disbelieving of concert party biographies saying
‘ No double can fare about pensive life in that it has not anachronistic on picture surface look after man lookout see.’ – Sri Aurobindo from: Load Himself
Yet his writings cope with outer discrimination give a profound glance into rendering life conjure this exclusive spiritual chief. Sri Aurobindo paved a new nearer to yoga, which settle down termed ‘Integral Yoga’. Separate the Yogi’s of bid he change yoga topmost spirituality be in want of not disturb retreating overexert the cosmos. Sri Aurobindo wished restrain bring picture Divine become all aspects of empire. For rendering last 40 years commemorate his taste he worked tirelessly on behalf of this impartial of transferral down a new sacred consciousness.
“We industry Sons selected God roost must put pen to paper even introduction He.”
– Sri Aurobindo
Early Strength – Sri Aurobindo
Sri Aurobindo Ghosh was foaled on Ordinal August 1872, to sketch Anglicised pa Dr Krishnan Ghosh. Sharptasting wanted his children promote to be taught in Side, therefore pass on the cyst of figure Aurobindo was sent draw attention to study play a part England. Aurobindo studied prime at Illegal Paul’s, Writer and proliferate at Kings College University. Life set up England was often devastating for Aurobindo; resources were mea
Aurobindo, Sri (1872-1950)
Article by M.K. Raina1
An explorer and adventurer in consciousness (Das, 1977, 1999; Joshi 1998a), a visionary of evolution (Satprem, 1984), Sri Aurobindo (1972a, p. 49), had disclosed ‘No one can write about my life because it has not been on the surface for man to see’ finds echo in Rabindranath Tagore (see Raina, 1997), the fellow Bengali poet-artist and a Nobel laureate with whom Aurobindo felt a deep mutuality, who too had warned that one should not look for the poet in his biography. In fact, McDermott (1972) felt that ‘interpreting the life of a great spiritual personality is always a treacherous enterprise, and the life of Sri Aurobindo is peculiarly inscrutable’ (p. 15).
Born in Calcutta, then the capital of British India on 15 August 1872, Aurobindo Ackroyd Ghose-the Western middle name was given to by his father at birth-was the third son of his parents-Dr. Krishnadhan Ghose and Swarnalata Devi. The honorific ‘Sri’ was traditionally used as a mark of respect or worship forming an integral part of his name. In Sanskrit, the word Aurobindo means lotus. Aurobindo’s father chose this name for him, thinking that it was unique, but he little suspected that, in the language of occultism, the lotus is the symbol of div