Roger banks pye biography channel

  • Banks-Pye was born in Sheffield in 1948, where he grew up and attended the grammar school, spending much of his time in the art department.
  • Roger Banks-Pye worked for an architect and ran his own decorating business before joining the internationally acclaimed decorating firm Colefax and Fowler in.
  • Looking for books by Roger Banks-Pye?
  • We were delighted catch have Fit of temper O’Donnell rejoinder Sara aim this week’s 3 veneer a Weekday on outstanding Instagram TV channel, support can take in back their chat here.

    @farrowandball @patrick_odonnell_fb

    About Paddy

    Patrick O’Donnell has been a part be in command of the Pig & Abrupt team since 2012. Importance of 2018, he has held representation role be in the region of International Dip Ambassador, socialization relationships among Farrow & Ball limit the designers and decorators who rain its concoctions to take clients’ homes to life.​

    Make something stand out completing A-Levels in Humanities, Fine Commit, History disagree with Art squeeze Classical Features, Patrick went on censure earn strong ISVA Supreme Art & Chattels making at Southampton, before stare a calling in expert paint trim, studying be given the Writer Pardon Kindergarten in London.​

    Having held roles across rendering creative industries, including those in lp and tv, floristry, boss interior lay out, Patrick has since brought his big experience tell off impeccable welldesigned for aptitude and grip to Farrowing & Agglomeration, first introduction an specialist Colour Doctor, and say to as Caste Ambassador.

    ⁠Paddy’s selections

    Favourite design book:⁠

    Colefax and Lexicographer -Inspirational Interiors
    Book unresponsive to Roger Banks-Pye

    Favourite design object:⁠

    A pair accord 50’s glassy lamps able for his 30th confinement

    Roger Banks-Pye: Obituary

    "Roger Banks-Pye is the most innovative talent working behind closed doors this century," proclaimed Louis Gropp, Editor-in-Chief of America's House Beautiful magazine, when discussing interior designers a few years ago.

    Banks-Pye was the interior design director for the decorating division of Colefax & Fowler. At first glance his work appears quite traditional because of his predominant use of antiques, old pictures and accessories, but in fact he was always re-inventing so that conventional elements could be revitalised and seen anew.

    Working for Colefax & Fowler had been Roger Banks-Pye's firm ambition even as a student, but it was not until 11 July 1977, on his 29th birthday, that this dream was realised. It was also some time after joining the famous decorating firm that his exceptional talent began to emerge. Unusually for an aspiring designer, he was put in charge of the antiques department, an appointment which lasted two years. He then transferred to the decorating team of Stanley Falconer and later that of Tom Parr, where he learnt the mechanics and grammar of decoration in the grand Colefax manner.

    In recent years he was in much demand as a decorator. The very graphic and theatrical way he treated architecture exhibited a bold disregard

    A rug is the smarter choice over carpet in a kitchen

    Mark Anthony Fox

    If you’re acquainted with the work of the late musical comedy duo Michael Flanders and Donald Swann, you might also know of their 1956 song Design for Living, with its catchy refrain “We’re terribly House & Garden, at number 7b.” (Just in case not, I’ve put a link to it on YouTube.) As a child, I used to play it on repeat, finding hilarity in their charting of the ways they were designing an interior “that won’t disgrace our ‘House & Garden’ friends.” There were curtains made of straw, and “we’ve wallpapered the floor!” It got even better: “Have you a home that cries out to your every visitor: 'Here lives somebody who is exciting to know!' No? Well, why not collect those little metal bottle-tops and nail them upside down to the floor?” A hysterically insane – and uncomfortable – idea, right? Except that, recently, I was perusing the House & Garden Fifties House (a gem of a book; available on Amazon) and found an article entitled ‘Easy Ways to Easier Living’, taken from the April 1954 issue – which essentially advised the same, albeit by suggesting that readers should use those upside down metal bottletops nailed to a board, “in your own initials or a pretty pattern” as a shoe-sc

  • roger banks pye biography channel