Quatorze ans les gauloises eric charden biography

  • He released a solo album, Quatorze Ans, Les Gauloises, in Charden had been suffering from cancer for three years before he died.
  • Éric Charden was a French singer and songwriter, best known for his collaborations with singer Stone, with whom they formed the band Stone.
  • French singer, songwriter and composer, born 15 October in Haïphong, Vietnam and died 29 April in Paris, France.
  • Eric Charden, Singer and songwriter

    Eric Charden, who died of cancer at the age of 69 on 29 April, was a French singer who with his wife and singing partner, Stone, had a string of hits in the s.

    The pair had recently released their latest album, Made in France.

    Born in in Vietnam, Charden was the son of a French father and a Tibetan mother. His debut album, J'Ai La Tête Pleine De Provence, came out in In , he was a member of the jury for a "Miss Beatnik" competition, and there he met a young singer, Annie Gautrat, who under the name Stone had released French "yé-yé" adaptations of Beatles songs (several of her songs have appeared on recent French '60s pop compilations like Ultra Chicks and Femmes De Paris). They married later that year and eventually began recording and performing together as Charden et Stone. In , their record "L'Avventura" reached No 1 in the French hit parade, and was followed by hits like "Laisse Aller La Musique" and "Le Prix Des Allumettes" in

    Charden was also in demand as a songwriter, Johnny Hallyday and Sylvie Vartan being among those who asked him to write for them, but perhaps his best loved collaboration was with Jacques Monty; among the songs they wrote together was "Le Monde Est Gris, Le Monde Est Bleu".

    After having moved to Quebec Charde

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      Éric Charden

      Jacques-André Puissant alias Éric Charden, nacido el 15 de octubre de en Haïphong en la Indochina francesa (actual Vietnam) y fallecido el 29 de abril de en el hôpital Saint-Louis de París, fue un autor-compositor y cantante francés.



      Éric Charden nació en Hải Phòng, en Tonkín (norte del actual Vietnam), de padre francés y madre tibetana (a la que Indochine 42 rinde homenaje). Sus primeros siete años de vida transcurrieron en Tonkín, abandonando el país junto con su madre rumbo a Marsella: su padre, ingeniero-jefe de puertos de Francia y de ultramar, se queda en el lugar hasta , tras conseguir Indochina la independencia, momento en el que regresa a Francia. Tras haber obtenido el bachillerato, se establece en París para continuar sus estudios. Decidió dedicarse en cuerpo y alma a su pasión, la música. Éric Charden encadena pequeños trabajos para ganarse la vida.



      El azar le abrió las puertas del negocio del espectáculo a raíz de un encuentro con Pierre Bourgeois, anterior presidente de Pathé-Marconi, así logró editar su primer disco de 45 rpm, que constaba de &#;cuatro canciones: Symphonie en bleuCasoar / Toi - Quatre cent vingt en Durante ese mismo año, fue recompensado con el primer premio del festiva

    • quatorze ans les gauloises eric charden biography