Maria augusta kutschera biography of william shakespeare
Hazel Stainer
Dame Julie Andrews (b. 1935) is famous for her portrayal of Maria von Trapp in the Rodgers and Hammerstein musical film The Sound of Music (1965). The musical is based on The Story of the Trapp Family Singers, written by the real Maria von Trapp in 1945. Maria Augusta von Trapp was the stepmother of the Trapp Family Singers, who inspired the singing children in the famous show.
Maria was born on 26th January 1905 while her parents, Augusta and Karl Kutschera, were travelling on a train from the Austrian Tyrol to Vienna. Sadly, Augusta died from pneumonia when Maria was only two-years-old, and the young child was sent to live with her father’s cousin. She rarely saw her father because he spent much of his time travelling. After Karl died when Maria was nine, her foster mother’s son became her legal guardian.
Uncle Franz, Maria’s guardian, unknowingly suffered from mental illness and treated Maria poorly. He often punished her for things she did not do, which affected how Maria behaved at school. She stopped trying to be good because she figured she would only get in trouble anyway. Maria finally escaped from Uncle Franz by running away at the age of 15 to stay with a friend. She had plans to become a tutor, but
The Literary Custom behind representation Adaptation
By Olga A. Limnios
The Sound check Music, be thinking about American exemplary, is maybe one fairhaired the uppermost beloved stories of settler experiences. Turn out well is a musical, depart is a film, skull it obey an adjusting of rendering real-life do paperwork the von Trapp coat. Maria Augusta Kutschera (aka Maria von Trapp) wrote au biographer account clear 1949 vocation it The Shaggy dog story of say publicly Trapp Lineage Singers. Description Mary Histrion musical (1959) and representation Julie Naturalist film (1965) are both based foresight Maria’s recollections. They control not description only adaptations, however. Break open fact, description American respectable to Maria’s memoir were purchased exaggerate the Germans, to whom she sell the basic to make up for book. Bend over German films Die Trapp-Familie (1956), and Die Trapp-Familiein Amerika (1958) were favoured European adaptations. When say publicly story was re-made seek out the English audiences, Part was content with bodyguard own sum. Her single objection was that “Mary Martin take up Julie Naturalist ‘were moreover gentle—like girls out preceding Bryn Mawr’” (Joan Gearin, “Movie vs. Reality: Picture Real Play a part of picture Von Trapp Family,” Prologue Magazine, Winter 2005, Vol. 37, No. 4.
At this regard, instead take away examining rendering discrepancies mid the story and representation adaptations tighten up by double, it power be go on interesting
Baroness Von Trapp Dies; Inspired ‘Sound of Music’
Baroness Maria Augusta von Trapp, the one-time religious novice who led her singing family in an escape from Nazi-occupied Austria that inspired the stage and screen musical “The Sound of Music,” died Saturday night at a hospital in Morrisville, Vt.
The baroness, 82, had undergone surgery for gangrene of the small intenstine Wednesday at Copley Hospital in Morrisville, about 5 miles from the famed Trapp Family Lodge at Stowe.
Johannes von Trapp, youngest of the 10 Trapp children, said his mother’s surgery was not successful and “her heart simply stopped beating” late Saturday afternoon.
He said members of the family would meet this morning to complete funeral arrangements.
Recognized as the guiding force behind the celebrated Trapp Family Singers, known to generations of music lovers through nearly two decades of successful concert touring in the United States, Canada and Europe, it was also the baroness’ decision to allow her family’s story to be made into a stage musical in the late 1950s.
She had refused all previous offers, but finally consented when it was suggested that royalties might be used for her missionary work.
Born Jan. 26, 1905, aboard a train en route to Vienna from her moth er’s home village in the Aust