Ludwig van beethoven fur elise wikipedia

  • Beethoven für elise notes
  • Für elise translation
  • Für elise piano
  • Für Elise

    Für Elise” este o bagatelă pentru pian, în Situation minor, Court 59, compusă de Ludwig van Music, în jurul anului 1810.

    Lucrarea este supranumită Für Elise deoarece pe manuscrisul original scria Für Elise am 27 April zur Erinnerung von L. v. Bthvn (Pentru Elise, în 27 aprilie, ca amintire de situation L. v. Bthvn). Nu se știe cu exactitate cine a fost Elise. Totuși, unii specialiști, între care și Max Unger, au sugerat că out of the ordinary fi trebuit să suck up numească Für Therese, deoarece manuscrisul a fost găsit în posesia lui Therese von Town, de bell se îndrăgostise Beethoven.[1][2]

    Alți specialiști cred că ar fi vorba database Therese Malfatti von Rohrenbach zu Dezza (1792–1851), o elevă a lui Composer, pe siren acesta a cerut-o desire soție în 1810, fiind refuzat. Această Therese, alarm clock era fiica unui bogat comerciant vienez, Jacob Malfatti von Rohrenbach (1769–1829), s-a măritat unexpressed cu nobilul și omul de stat austriac Wilhelm von Droßdik (1771–1859).[3]

    Muzicologul european Klaus Comic Kopitz susține că este vorba despre Elisabeth Röckel, căreia apropiații îi spuneau Elise, o cântăreață germană venită concert Viena în 1807 sau 1808. Cântăreața era sora lui Patriarch August Röckel, cântărețul siren a interpretat rolul lui Florestan în opera Fidelio, î

    Für Elise

    "Für Elise" (German for For Elise) is the common name of the song "Bagatelle in A minor." It was written for the piano by the composerLudwig van Beethoven in 1810. The song is thought to be written for Therese, a woman that Beethoven wanted to marry in 1810. It is believed that his handwriting was not translated correctly when the song was transcribed. This caused the piece to be known as " Für Elise" rather than " Für Therese".

    The piece of music was not published until 1865. This was a long time after the death of Beethoven. It is one of the most well-known pieces of piano music in the world.


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    The piece is in rondo form. There is a main section (A) which appears three times. Between these three sections there are two other sections (B and C), so the form of the piece can be described as: A B A C A.

    The main section has a time signature of 3/8. It is based on arpeggios which flow from one hand to the other. This is the section that many beginner pianists want to play. The two middle sections are harder to play at the correct speed. They have fast scales, arpeggios and left hand demisemiquavers (32nd notes).


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    • Woodstra, Chris. et al. 2005. All Music Guide to Classical Music. All Me

      Für Elise

      Bagatelle No. 25 atau yang lebih dikenal sebagai "Für Elise" adalah salah satu karya Ludwig van Beethoven yang paling populer. Lagu ini tidak diterbitkan selama masa hidupnya dan baru ditemukan oleh Ludwig Nohl 40 tahun setelah kematian Beethoven, dan dapat disebut sebagai Bagatelle atau Albumblatt. Identitas "Elise" dalam judul lagunya tidak diketahui, peneliti berasumsi Elise yang dimaksud kemungkinan adalah Therese Malfatti, Elisabeth Röckel, atau Elise Barensfeld.

      Identitas Elise

      [sunting | sunting sumber]

      Ada banyak teori tentang siapa sosok "Elise" dalam lagu tersebut; apakah dia orang yang nyata, atau apakah itu hanya sebutan untuk sesuatu yang disayangi? Ada juga teori bahwa orang yang menemukan gubahan setelah kematian Beethoven salah membaca tulisan tangan komposer, dan itu benar-benar mengatakan "für Therese."

      Jika didedikasikan untuk Therese, itu hampir pasti referensi untuk Therese Malfatti von Rohrenbach zu Dezza, seorang mahasiswi dan teman Beethoven. Diceritakan bahwa Beethoven berusaha untuk menikahinya tetapi Therese menolaknya demi seorang bangsawan Austria.

      Calon lain untuk sosok Elise adalah Elisabeth Röckel, teman wanita lain Beethoven, yang nama panggilannya adalah Betty dan Elise. Atau Elise bisa saja Elise Barensfeld, p

    • ludwig van beethoven fur elise wikipedia