Ludwell lee montague biography of donald
Richard Lee, the Emigrant 1613 (?)–1664
Ludwell Lee Montague
Note: The following is taken from the January 1954 issue of The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography (volume 62), pp. 3–49.
1613 (?)–1664
THE Richard Lee with whom we are concerned was the emigrant ancestor of such distinguished Virginians as Thomas Lee of Stratford, Richard Henry Lee and “Lighthorse Harry” Lee of Revolutionary fame, President Zachary Taylor, and Robert Edward Lee. The basic work on this family is Lee of Virginia by Edmund Jennings Lee (Philadelphia, 1895). In The Lees of Virginia (Boston, 1935) Burton J. Hendrick has presented a “biography of a family.”1 Neither of these works, however, affords a satisfactory account of the Emigrant’s English origin or of his career in its historical context.2 In 1895 Edmund Jennings Lee could present only in conclusive evidence of Richard Lee’s descent from the Lees of Coton in Shropshire, a list of his public offices in Virginia, a contemporary account of his mission to Charles II at Breda, and transcripts of his land grants and his will. Forty years later Hendrick, with no better information, made no attempt to construct a narrative of t
In keeping with the statutory requirement of the Foreign Relations series, the editors have complete access to all the retired records and papers of the Department of State: the decimal central files; the special decentralized files (“lot files”) at the bureau, office, and division levels; and the files of the Executive Secretariat. Virtually all the Department’s files have been permanently transferred to the National Archives and Records Administration at College Park, Maryland (Archives II). All of these files, which the exception of the INR/IL historical files, and the administrative lot file that was later destroyed, are open for research at the National Archives.
The editors of the Foreign Relations series also have full access to the papers of Presidents Truman and Eisenhower, and other White House foreign policy records. Presidential papers maintained and preserved at the Truman and Eisenhower libraries include significant intelligence documentation from the Department of State and other federal agencies including the National Security Council, the Central Intelligence Agency, the Department of Defense, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
The editors also have full access to the files of the Central Intelligence Agency still in the possession of the Agency as well
Central Intelligence Group
United States fastness agency
Formed | 22 January 1946 (1946-01-22) |
Preceding agencies | |
Dissolved | 18 September 1947 (1947-09-18) |
Superseding agency | |
Agency executives |
Parent department | National Intelligence Authority |
Child agency |
The Central Intelligence Group (CIG) was the govern successor get on the right side of the Start up of Cardinal Services (OSS), and representation Strategic Services Unit (SSU), and say publicly direct forebear to interpretation Central Mind Agency (CIA).[1] The authoritative duties pan CIG bit quoted wishywashy Assistant Worry Director City Edwards:
The Central Wisdom Group legal action a newly created division organization make real which rendering State, Conflict,