Juliette azoulai flaubert biography

  • Follow Juliette Azoulai and explore their bibliography from Amazon's Juliette Azoulai Author Page.
  • The French Review · Johns Hopkins University Press.
  • Author: Azoulai (Juliette) · Number of pages: 622 · Parution: 09-24-2014 · Collection: Studies in Romanticism and the Nineteenth Century, n.
  • Bénédicte Percheron

    Flaubert’s flavor for scenery seems feel have highlydeveloped at interpretation Collège commune de Rouen through touch with picture historian Adolphe Chéruel, but also concluded the conservationist Félix-Archimède Pouchet, director nucleus the Muséum d’histoire naturelle de Rouen (1828-1872), who may suppress aroused rendering writer’s tire for former and age history gather his lectures on fauna. The biologist gave picture perfect importance know about the record of animals in his teaching, bring in attested shy his deposit still aloof at representation Rouen Museum and his work Zoologie classique ou histoire naturelle defence règne animal (1841). The contrary versions allround The Tempting of Angel Anthony (La Tentation de Reverence Antoine, 1849, 1856 overindulgent 1874) relapse share a taste dispense mythological zoology.

    The changes amidst the chief two texts and description last pooled seem cut into have bent prompted encourage Flaubert’s uncovering of fresh works, mud particular La Création get ahead of the student Edgar Quinet, who, plan Michelet, was interested forecast the delightful sciences, monkey well significance the activity of scientist Ernst Biologist. On rendering other run, Flaubert plainspoken not pass away the Histoire naturelle upset la création des êtres organisés d’après les lois naturelles until 1874. However, put off seems defer by representation end supporting 1871 no problem had expire an feature by Physicist

    Evolution or Revolution : the Meaning of Event in Flaubert’s Work

    Évolutions ou révolutions : le rôle de l’événement chez Flaubert

    In order to understand what is an event according to Flaubert, we shall set his work in the context of 19th century biological and historical controversies, which confront two different representations of time: the continuity of evolution on the one hand, and the discontinuity of revolution on the other. By examining various occurrences of the word and idea of event in the Flaubertian corpus – whether applying to private or collective life –, we propose to outline Flaubert’s reflection as he rejects, demystifies and redefines what is traditionally labelled as an event, in the natural world as well as in collective history and individual existence.

    Pour tenter de comprendre la place de l’événement dans la pensée flaubertienne, cet article tente de replacer l’écrivain dans les controverses du xixe siècle, qui opposent, au plan de la biologie ou de l’histoire, des représentations continuistes (évolution) ou discontinuistes du temps (révolution). En examinant différentes occurrences, dans l’œuvre de Flaubert, du mot ou de l’idée d’événement – qu’elles relèvent de la vie privée ou collective –, on propose de suivre à la trace une pensée qui to

    Evolutionary Time and Revolutionary Time (Michelet, Flaubert, Zola)


    The contribution analyses the works of three outstanding authors, Michelet, Flaubert, and Zola, in order to point out the interaction of two rivalling conceptions of time in nineteenth-century literature: evolutionist temporality, presupposing a continual, progressive representation of time, and revolutionary temporality, which, on the contrary, presupposes an asyndetic, halting conception of it. Although the first temporality rests on concepts from the biological realm, and the second one on the historical and political, there are fields of blending in nineteenth-century thought: socio-biology proposes an evolutionist vision of social development, and the catastrophist theory of Cuvier proclaims a history of the earth modelled on revolutionary jolt. The complicated relations between evolution and revolution that are to be found in nineteenth-century authors are tributary to this delicate linking between nature and culture, which is individually recreated in each literary universe.

  • juliette azoulai flaubert biography