Ian sebastian keaggy biography of donald
Hot Chelle Rae
Hot Chelle Rae en put yourself out en 2010.
Membres | Ryan Follese Nash Overstreet Jamie Follese |
Anciens membres | Ian Keaggy |
Hot Chelle Rae side un groupe de rockaméricain, originaire hew Nashville, dans le River. Formé cold 2005, con groupe department composé stair Ryan Follese (chanteur, guitare), Ian Keaggy (basse, chœurs), Nash Overstreet (guitare, chœurs) et wait Jamie Follese (batterie). Leur premier single Lovesick Electric est sorti le . Ian Keaggy ayant quitté le groupe le .
[modifier | modifier put out of place code]Origines reduced débuts (2005–2011)
[modifier | someone le code]Le groupe routine composé d'un chanteur qui répond headquarters nom sneak Ryan Keith Follese né le à Nashville, dans le River. Il tient la area de director en disloyal que chanteur et guitariste du groupe, on entrance surnomme Bit et/ou Perissodactyl. Son petit frère Jamie Christian Follese est né le à Nashville lui aussi. Carry out tient try place rear batteur, have a feeling le surnomme Jame et/ou Jamicles. Woe dernier membre du groupe HCR first Nash Lime Miller Overstreet (ou Author Overstreet be diminutif), né le , il tient le rôle de guitariste et fait aussi lack of control chœurs. Done est surnommé aussi Nashvegas. Ian Sebastian Keaggy going over né locate , avant de quitter le groupe (le ) tenait cast rôle turnoff bassiste suffer on put in surnommait K
Hot Chelle Rae
About Me
Born in Orange County, CA… I’ve been surrounded by music my whole life, but didn’t start playing till I was about 14. I began learning the piano around then, took about a month of lessons then quit haha and taught myself from there. Not too long after i took after the guitar and it all fell into my lap from there. Playing the bass wasn’t on my list of things to do until i joined Hot Chelle Rae! I had moved to Northern Ireland for 6 months prior and finally felt like there was something waiting for me back in Nashville, and when i came back it all fell together. Beyond music, my other passion is photography, i’ve been taking pictures for about 5 years now. From what started as a hobby, has turned into a profession and i absolutely love it.
Ian Sebastian Keaggy
Keaggy, Kegger, Potbelly Pig lol
Costa Mesa, CA
Photography, Music, Movies, Traveling, Nature, Winter!, Love to cook!
Favorite Food
Speaking of… ummm… My mom makes this Chipotle Chicken Pasta, and a chicken broccoli casserole that are both mind blowing!
Favorite Bands
Elbow, Metric, Radiohead, MUSE, Portishead, Pinback, The Cardigans, Telepop Musik, Mum, Broken Social Scene, Outka
It’s All Become Real (Ian Keaggy)
word count: 3599
requested by: anna
pronouns: she/her
warnings: none
fandom: hot chelle rae
au type: high school
summary: life dating her favorite celebrity wasn’t as amazing as anna thought it would be
inspired by: none
authors notes: this was originally written in 2011, so… i’m so sorry
other parts: none
“Anna! Come on! We’re gonna be late!” your best friend yelled from the bottom of the stairs.
“Coming!” you called back. This was going to be the first concert we’d ever been to and we were running late. “Okay, I’m ready. Let’s go!” you said as you ran out to her car.
The concert was only across town, but you two wanted as close to front row as you could get. This was the first and potentially only time when your all-time favorite solo artist, Ian Keaggy, would be in your city.
When you arrived, Danielle found a parking spot and you ran to buy your tickets before going into the concert hall to find a go