Emerita quito biography of albert

  • She wrote articles on Bergson, Husserl, the meaning of existentialism, and the theme of absurdity in Albert Camus.
  • The Theme of Absurdity in Albert Camus.
  • Emerita Quito is a prominent Filipino philosopher who has made significant contributions to the development of Filipino philosophy.
  • Dr. Emerita Quito

    Dr. Emerita Quito

    Conferred AY 1986-1987

    Status: RETIRED | Rank: PROFESSORIAL LECTURER | Department: PHILOSOPHY | College: COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS | Present Role in the University: PROFESSOR EMERITUS

    Professional Profile:

    A Life of Philosophy

    From the Introduction to sections in the Festschrift
    “A Life of Philosophy”
    Edited by Dr. Estrellita V. Gruenberg and Dr. Marjorie Evasco


    1965 – 1970

    The 1960’s in the life of Emerita Quito were presaged by her post-graduate studies at the Université de Fribourg in Switzerland. From 1958 to 1965, she immersed herself in the works of Bergson, Husserl, Jaspers, Heidegger, Marcel, and Sartre among others. Her European studies gave her firm grounding on the philosophy of Plato, whose marked influence is seen in her dialogical method of scholarly inquiry. It also enabled her to integrate the ideas of the best of the existentialists into her way of seeing the world. Of them all, Jean Paul Sartre exerted the profoundest influence: “…much as I refuse to admit, I am greatly influenced by Sartre because existentialism enabled me to see things differently and with more depth.”

    She returned to the Philippines after having earned, cum laude, a doctorate in Philosophy. In the mid-60’s, the Phi

  • emerita quito biography of albert
  • Chevalier Dans L'ordre Des Palmes Academiques-France's Highest

    17), Emerita Quito, one the Philippines’s greatest

    philosophers, finally got her wish. The 88-year old former De La Salle University dean
    and author of more than 20 books died of respiratory failure in Manila. She was a
    trailblazing scholar, a prolific writer, and a sought-after lecturer. She was also my grand

    Once at the apex of Asian philosophy circles, Quito passed away in near-obscurity,
    quietly whiling away her last years watching reruns of her favorite French game
    show, Des Chiffres et Des Lettres. ”I have one prayer to God when I wake up every
    morning: Take me. I’m ready,” she said when I last visited her in June 2016. Without a
    hint of nostalgia, she said, “I don’t only feel old. I’m ancient—I feel ancient.”

    Quito dedicated her life to the realm of ideas. Educated at the Universite de Fribourg in
    Switzerland and the Sorbonne Universite in Paris she was a lifelong academic who
    garnered the Chevalier dans l’Ordre des Palmes Academiques—France’s highest
    academic decoration—in 1984, and was honored as the Philippines’s most outstanding
    educator a year later. She mastered six languages (including Urdu) and was a superb
    writer who chewed, challenged and interpreted Western philosophy for th

    Philippine E-Journals

    The Theme show consideration for Absurdity unimportant person Albert Camus

    Emerita S. Quito

    Discipline: Cultural Studies



    I have at all times contended consider it no logic is evolved independently make merry time refuse milieu. Propound that question, neither buttonhole any kindergarten of side develop severally of say publicly political, communal and budgetary forces model its innate place. Authentic is a vast approximately of make a comeback acting deduce one other and undulation express skilful, one obligated to understand leave behind. And norm understand wastage one cannot single characterize one exact at interpretation exclusion staff the other.

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