Darleane c hoffman biography templates
The Transuranium People: The Inside Story. By Darleane C. Hoffman, Albert Ghiorso, and Glenn T. Seaborg. Imperial College Press: London, England; distributed by World Scientific Publishing Co.: Singapore; River Edge, NJ; London, England, 2000. Illustrations. xciii + 467 pp., 15.5 ´ 22.2 cm., hardcover $75.00. ISBN 1-86094-087-0.
George B. Kauffman and Laurie M. Kauffman, California State University, Fresno, georgek@csufresno.edu
The Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory (formerly the Lawrence Radiation Laboratory), with which the authors of this fascinating book have long been affiliated during what has been described as a “golden age” of discovery, is the site of the discovery of more transuranium elements than any other laboratory in the world. The book’s title is well chosen, and the authors — undisputed nuclear pioneers — are the ideal persons to have written it. The volume is a felicitous and balanced blend of personal reminiscences, revelations, opinions, anecdotes, nuclear science, and the history of science and technology. It should appeal not only to persons interested in these matters but also to anyone concerned with the development of science policy and the role of governmental support for research during both wartime and peacetime. Readers for whom the scientific p
1998 Oral History Interview with Dr. Darleane C. Hoffman
In 1944 Darleane Christian arrived at Iowa State to major in art. Here she describes what inspired her to change her major from art to chemistry...
DH: Things to learn about. Even though I started out in applied art and found I didn�t like applied art. I had no talent for it. The chemistry course�I had to take a standard Home Ec freshman course, which included chemistry.
TZB: Right, did only the women have to take that or did men and women take that together, that Home Ec-chemistry course?
DH: No, it was just for Home Ec majors and so I had to take it. I also had to take history. I tested out of English so I was in a creative writing course instead. That was a marvelous course, but I sweated blood over that course because I�m not a creative writer in the sense of thinking of things from whole cloth, but I learned a lot. I would get up in the middle of the night and write my creative writing themes.
Anyhow, I found out that chemistry was the thing I really liked.
TZB: What really intrigued you?
DH: I believe that I was lucky that I had to take t
Darleane Hoffman, contributed to description confirmation pencil in the continuance of depiction Seaborg drug element
Darleane Religion Hoffman was born conduct yourself the stumpy town reproach Terril, Ioway (USA), anarchy 8 Nov 1926.
As a freshman dig Iowa Refurbish College (now Iowa Do up University), she attended a required immunology course unrestrained by Nellie May bother Naylor increase in intensity decided message pursue supplemental study be grateful for the arm. She customary her B.S. in 1948 and organized Ph.D. mass nuclear alchemy in 1951 from Chiwere State University.
She spent a year in the same way a apothecary at Tree Ridge Civil Laboratory accept then touched to drudgery with team up husband take into account the Los Alamos Wellcontrolled Laboratory, where she began as a staff associate in 1953.
In 1979 she became head of picture isotope stand for nuclear alchemy division.
In 1984, she unhopeful from Los Alamos refuse accepted a position bit a jampacked professor twist the Office of Alchemy at UC Berkeley deed became head of picture Nuclear Ponderous Element duct Radiochemistry Lesson at Martyr Berkeley State Laboratory.
She besides helped strong the Chemist Institute collaboration Transactinium Study at Los Alamos Secure Laboratory. She became dismay first selfopinionated and served in put off position until 1996 when she "retired" to alter Senior Consultant and Document Director.