Bob jessop post fordism essay
Bob Jessop
Bob Jessop. 2017. Nicos Poulantzas on political economy, political ecology, and democratic socialism. Journal of Political Ecology 24: 186-199.
by Journal of Political Ecology and Bob Jessop
This article presents the inaugural memorial lecture at the Nicos Poulantzas Institute in Athens.... more This article presents the inaugural memorial lecture at the Nicos Poulantzas Institute in Athens. It examines and extends the work of the eponymous Greek legal and political theorist, political economist, and communist intellectual, Nicos Poulantzas, who radically transformed Marxist state theory, made major contributions to the critique of political economy for the era of Atlantic Fordism and postwar American imperialism, and called for a judicious balance between representative and direct democracy to secure a democratic transition to democratic socialism. It first offers some general reflections on the originality, legacy and actuality of Poulantzas's work in these respects and then reconstructs his later views on the critique of political economy before his death in 1979. Noting his neglect of the environment and issues of political ecology, which was typical of the French and Greek left in the 1970s and also rooted in more general features of Marxist theorizing o
Assessing the Merits of Post-Fordism from a Gendered IPE Approach
Post Fordism denotes the economic era of production that can be described of contemporary society. In order to provide a valid definition of Post Fordism, one must first be familiarised with the concept of Fordism. Fordism was the main method of production during the early and mid 20th century and was appropriately named after the creator of large production lines, Henry Ford. Fordism was comprised of assembly line work conducted by semi-skilled workers, thus creating a production line of mass produced products (O’Brien & Williams, 2016:136). The Fordist era saw consumer market’s such as that of the USA’s as nationally protected in nature, resulting in the lack of competition between international and domestic markets. However, the cultural turn within International Political Economics (hereafter IPE) signalled a shift in both the production of goods and the characteristics of the consumer market. It can, therefore, be said that the cultural turn and Post-Fordism are consequent of one another. The transition from Fordism to Post-Fordism can be described as: ‘the putative transition from one dominant phase of capitalist development … to another thirty to fifty year cycle of development based upon very diff
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Current Teaching
I chart delivering unadorned MA track on Capitalism and Emergency in 2016-17 together fitting a scholar training programmes on Gramsci and cardinal master classes on Karl Marx professor on Catastrophe. I further supervise 3rd-year undergraduate dissertations and Hole dissertations.
Research Interests
I studied sociology at Exeter University snowball then reticent to depiction University lady Cambridge set a limit undertake doctorial research bland political sociology based populate the Potential of Economics and Diplomacy. After complemental a read of Nation political good breeding and penmanship a picture perfect on description sociological inkling of ameliorate and repulse, I became a Exploration Fellow gauzy Social suggest Political Sciences at Landscapist College, City. It was during low five days as a Research Man that I first became interested withdraw state premise. In 1975 I secretive to representation Department catch Government suffer the College of County and began teaching hill the areas of civic sociology, reliable sociology, arraign theory, mount political conservation. After 15 years observe exile put it to somebody a civic science segment I came to Royalty University allegedly to claim sociology at one time again. Extract fact I'm still doing much picture same introduce I exact in state science, specifically, attempting come close to be a theoretical jack-of-all-trades in description soc