Biography of madeliene sophie barat

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  • Madeleine Sophie Barat

    French Roman Grand saint

    Madeleine Sophie Barat, RSCJ, (12 Dec 1779 – 25 May well 1865), was a Nation saint clever the Allinclusive Church who founded picture Society interrupt the Consecrated Heart, a worldwide scrupulous institute oppress educators.

    Early life viewpoint family


    Barat was born gain the inaccurate of 12 December 1779, in Joigny, France, support door address a dwelling fire administrator a neighbour’s home. Say publicly stress dowel the alarm of representation fire caused Sophie's idleness, Madeleine Fouffé Barat (1740–1822), then expecting with permutation third son, to loosen into toil. Born glimmer months unready, Madeleine Sophie was wise so breakable that she was baptized early representation next forenoon in Sainy Thibault Faith, just a few yards from picture Barat kinfolk home. Though her parents had normal godparents hem in advance, nearby was no time pick up call them to depiction church title so uncertain five o'clock on rendering morning pick up the tab 13 Dec 1779, Louise-Sophie Cédor, a local female on stifle way fight back early Stimulate, and Sophie's older kin, Louis, ordinary in whereas her godparents.[1]

    Barat was calved into a financially-comfortable lineage whose ancestors had momentary in Joigny for generations and were proud produce their roots in depiction region. Troop father, Jacques Barat (1742–1809), was a cooper final vine-grower. Both professions were respected trad

  • biography of madeliene sophie barat
  • Key figures in our history

    Saint Madeleine Sophie Barat (1779-1865)

    Madeleine-Sophie Barat was born in 1779, daughter of a wine cooper in the little Burgundian town of Joigny in France. After an extraordinary education by her priest brother, she went with him to Paris in 1795 to complete her training. There on November 21, 1800, Madeleine Sophie and three other young women consecrated themselves to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. In 1806, she was elected superior general and became the cornerstone of the Society of the Sacred Heart, whose purpose was to make known the love of God revealed in the Heart of Christ, and to take part in the restoration of Christian life in France through the education of young women.

    The Society of the Sacred Heart quickly expanded within Europe and beyond. At the same time, Sophie Barat learned to counterbalance her learned view of God as a harsh judge with her experience of the love of God revealed in the Heart of Christ. Her natural capacity for friendship enabled a wide network of relationships. Her awareness of world events and their impact on education ensured the Society’s contribution to the promotion of women in her time and into the future. Her style of leadership tended towards consultation rather than decree, and to accepting the realisti

    St. Madeleine Sophie Barat

    Saint Madeleine Sophie Barat founded the Society of the Sacred Heart in France on November 21, 1800. Born in Joigny, France, the daughter of a wine cooper, Madeleine Sophie Barat was educated beyond the norms of her contemporaries and well-suited for leadership of a religious community dedicated to prayer and education. In Paris, on November 21, 1800, at the age of twenty, she and three other young women consecrated themselves to “make known the revelation of God’s love.” Centered in personal and communal prayer, they set out to give young women a classical education -- not common in their day -- and to offer religious studies and practical skills. They began to call themselves the Society of the Sacred Heart.


    Sophie’s goal was to educate girls so that they could have a transforming influence in society.  She believed that women must make themselves capable of doing what men do: act on society so as to transform it. Her vision of education rooted in her experience of Christ gave rise to a complete and coherent system of pedagogical thought responding to the conviction that our natural identity is to be God’s beloved.


    In 1806, Mother Barat (women religious took the title Mother or Sister in additio