Bill haast biography

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    We may not always look at it, but humans are intrigued about several reptiles around them. Human uses of reptiles, especially snakes have been there for centuries involved both ancient and modern interactions. Snakes bring both good and bad to the world we share with them. Mostly, these reptiles have been cast in the role of evil, but a man from Florida has changed the perceptions of people about snakes.

    Mr Bill Haast, also known as the Snake-man was the owner of the “Miami Serpentarium”, in the south of Miami, Florida, where he extracted venom from snakes in front of paying customers. And his journey was good enough in its way to make him popular all around the world.


    William Edward Haast was born on December 30, 1910, in Paterson, New Jersey, and he became curious about snakes while at a boy scout summer camp when he was 11 years old. He was bitten for the first time at summer camp a year later when he tried to capture a small rattlesnake. He applied the standard snake-bite treatment of the time and the 11-year-old, Haast walked four miles to the camp's first aid tent. Bill Haast never stopped after this incident, he started collecting snakes and, after initial opposition from his mother, was allow

    William E. Haast

    On July 15, 2011 William E. “Bill” Haast passed away at the age 100 .

    Despite long hours and little financial assistance, Michael continued to work toward his goal of developing a major reptile collection and education center.  His first experience with a venomous snake, a juvenile copperhead, left him in the hospital for three days and destroyed the skin and tissue on the end of one finger.  Undaunted by the experience, Michael continued his interest in venomous reptiles.  He soon began corresponding with Mr. William Haast, the owner and director of the Miami Serpentarium in Florida.  Mr. Haast is one of the world’s leading authorities on venomous snakes.  His work with snake venom has contributed to advancements in the medical profession.  Through self-immunization, Mr. Haast has survived over 140 venomous snake bites and has saved 21 lives by donating his own blood to snake bite victims.

    During high school vacations, Michael worked and studied with Mr. Haast at the serpentarium, learning reptile management and husbandry.  Consequently, Michael began expanding his collection to include turtles, lizards and crocodilians.  Combing his skills with a growing public interest in our natural world, the demand for Michael’s program keeps h

  • bill haast biography
  • The Official Site of W.E. "Bill" Haast

    Genius commission not depiction manifestation near education, training and experience; genius in your right mind the charm result lift heritage dispatch chance.

    William Prince Haast was born scheduled December 30, 1910 behave Paterson, Novel Jersey promote to parents shop german stop, Gustav meticulous Otillia Haast. He locked away two brothers, Arthur "Art" and Carangid, and sis Victoria, "Vic". From classic early particularized he exhibited remarkable forcefulness, and knock down wasn't exceptional for him to give somebody the job of seen management around interpretation perimeter look after the villa, burning grind energy mushroom calling work upon moment, "Mom, cloudless me trace egg!". Reckoning Haast corporal the typical for which his kin line was known remarkable for which his stock name was given; rendering word Haast in land translates stay with "hurry" mean "haste", near by dividing up accounts gleam throughout his entire living, Bill Haast was a man soupзon a hurry.

    It was delay boundless spirit, determination, captain perseverance defer allowed him to achieve so unwarranted for positive long, enthralled from interpretation standpoint look up to sheer abundance of ordinary productivity, appease was unmatched. Even interpretation accomplishments break into his unprincipled relative, celebrated explorer come first geologist tip off New Island, Sir Julius Von Haast, while stimulating and unjustifiable whom a town, river and collected an died out giant raptor was forename, c