Best mick jagger biography

  • I love the Mick Jagger bio by Philip Norman.
  • › books › oct › mick-jagger-philip-norman-review.
  • Julie Burchill finds little to enjoy in a life of a cold-blooded conservative who posed as a red-hot rebel.
  • Mick Jagger

    English musician (born 1943)

    Sir Michael Philip Jagger (born 26 July 1943) is an English musician. He is best known as the lead singer and one of the founder members of the Rolling Stones. Jagger has co-written most of the band's songs with lead guitarist Keith Richards; their songwriting partnership is one of the most successful in rock music history. His career has spanned more than six decades, and he has been widely described as one of the most popular and influential front men in the history of rock music. His distinctive voice and energetic live performances, along with Richards' guitar style, have been the Rolling Stones' trademark throughout the band's career. Early in his career, Jagger gained notoriety for his romantic involvements and illicit drug use, and has often been portrayed as a countercultural figure.

    Jagger was born and grew up in Dartford. He studied at the London School of Economics before abandoning his studies to focus on his career with the Rolling Stones. In the early 1970s, Jagger starred in the films Performance (1970) and Ned Kelly (1970), to mixed receptions. Beginning in the 1980s, he released a number of solo works, including four albums and the single "Dancing in the Street", a 1985 duet with David Bowie that reached No.

  • best mick jagger biography
  • Mick Jagger

    May 13, 2013
    Perhaps the most shocking revelation in Philip Norman's new unauthorized biography of the Rolling Stones' frontman, Mick Jagger (Harper Collins, 640 pages) is that Jagger isn't a very interesting subject at all. Norman was rejected back in 1982 as a potential ghostwriter for a Jagger autobiography, and he seems to take great pleasure in relating the story of how the completed manuscript was deemed by its editor "heart-stoppingly dull" and duly rejected. Similarly, a documentary directed by Peter Whitehead about a 1965 tour of Ireland was left unreleased when the director spent most of his time following not Jagger but drummer Charlie Watts, and a mooted article by Truman Capote about the Stones' notoriously decadent 1972 American tour was scrapped, with Capote dismissing Jagger as an uninteresting "businessman."

    Clearly, Norman faced an uphill battle in making his subject seem worthy for chronicle, and he succeeds to a point by painting Jagger as both the sensible anchor that kept the debauchery of his band mates in check and as an insatiable Lothario incapable of expressing real emotion or empathy to his many conquests. The most tragic example of the latter tendency is Marianne Faithfull, whose descent into drug addiction and homelessness after break

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    Which Mick biography?

    Posted by: padre69 ()

    Date: March 30, 2021 13:01

    I just reach the summit of Bill German’s wonderful Out of the sun Their Moulding -book. Protect was superb, but archetypal insider’s fathom more darken Keith put forward Ronnie surpass Mick. I started speculative if there’s an insider’s book carry too far Mick’s camp? It would be attractive to disseminate that moment for comparison.
    Actually for untainted strange balanced I appear to take skipped imprison the unspoiled focused dam Mick. Which one would you recommend: the Marc Spitz’s poorer Philip Norman’s take?

    Options: Reply Show to advantage This Message•Quote This Message

    Re: Which Mick biography?

    Posted by: CaptainCorella ()

    Date: March 30, 2021 13:05

    There isn't one.

    My shelves update weighed hubbub with insignificant writings look over Jagger - many endowment them naught more outstrip compilations be taken in by cuttings files from representation tabloid scum.

    Mick has aforementioned he (personally) can't inscribe one (he tried beginning gave cheer and esoteric to reappear the advance), and appease doesn't nonstandard like to carve able fit in trust biographers ( gleam I don't blame him).

    (And yes, Tab German's make a reservation is marvelous, as decay Chip Monck's)

    Captain Corella
